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Collaborative Authoring
Streamlined and customizable interface requiring no training. Managed workflow eliminates email for content adds, modifications, and approvals.

Content Management
Copy & edit content to create internal, external, or market-focused breakouts without the need to re-author. Automatically convert images: reformat, resize, annotate, and optimize for web.

Easier than Email

Copy/Paste your content in. Not finished? Save and resume work later. Create rich, meaningful content, quickly, and with zero training required.

Zero Duplication of Work

Contribute directly into the finished product. Eliminate opportunity for error and measure turnaround time in minutes instead of days.

Manage Social Media

Add a framework to your social media communications to ensure consistency and timely delivery of your message.

Single Voice

Empower your knowledge leaders and coordinate your company's output to get the most out of your brand. Automate those web pages and eDMs.

Curate instead of Create

Encounter your projects 90% done! No more emails and seemingly endless edit/approval cycles.

Integration & Growth

Our platform is designed to be tailored to your company's growing needs. There's nothing to install, and system upgrades are routine.

Concept tags
integration application hosted web content management CMS SaaS communication collaborate curate assemble eBlast platform independant eDM web page image optimizaiton automated efficiency design contribute
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